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the breath

In May ’96 I met a woman who had contracted AIDS through a blood transfusion while working in Africa. She had returned to Canada for medical treatment. I visited her that spring and summer as often as I could.


Heart Series

The first time I 'glimpsed' the heart painting back in the late '90's, I wasn't even sure what I was looking at. I made some quick sketches and notes, then started researching, writing, investigating everything heart related from all angles -  


seeing, breathing, dreaming

We see, we breathe, and we dream as part of everyday experience, you could even say that is how we create our lives. Seeing, breathing, dreaming... universally shared experiences, privately felt. Most of the time it all goes unnoticed.


“les reves des jardins d’hiver”

Dreams fascinate me. They play a large part in my work. These paintings began in a dream. I saw a visual image and a title, as well as a clear direction and understanding of what I was going to do. As the work progressed however, I became unsure. Months of uncertainty and frustration passed until one day while meditating in my garden, I saw the bigger picture with greater detail.


“jardins de la nuit”

You pay attention to the world differently at night - Darkness demands attention - the world is less specific, more out of focus ...


daydreams painted on a prairie sky: a meditation on beauty

This series of paintings began as a clear intention to deepen my commitment to myself and my creativity. For me they reflect the beauty and the freedom I discovered on a pilgrimage home – intimate moments glimpsed – a shifting of focus
